The ocarina is a globular flute, with or without a mouthpiece (to channel air inflow), such that sound is extremely easy to produce. In the Andean world, this instrument can be found in many varieties and with a multitude of decorations. Some have eight finger-holes in the upper part (four for the fingers of each hand) and two in the lower part (one for each thumb).
The European ocarina (known as the sweet potato) was developed in the nineteenth century in Italy and Austria. It became quite popular in many countries, including the United States. Its invention is attributed to Giuseppe Donati, around 1860.
Mar 04 2005, 6:27 AM
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kaylofgorons 20 year member
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The ocarina is also very popular among certain video game fans because it is the instrument used by Link, the main character of "Legend of Zelda", in "Link's Awakening," "Ocarina of Time," and "Majora's Mask." The Ocarina of Time in OoT and MM allows time travel. Although you may play nameless ditties on the Ocarina of Time, titled songs all have magical effects.
:D One of my favorite games.