In a famous short story, which literary character makes the mistake of losing weight instead of fat?
Question #56233. Asked by gmackematix.
Last updated Jun 16 2017.
Answer has 1 vote
mibmob 22 year member
1273 replies
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Is this THinner?
Mar 30 2005, 10:02 AM
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gmackematix 22 year member
3206 replies
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Time for a clue: The author's name sounds like mercury reservoirs.
Mar 30 2005, 4:36 PM
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Answer has 1 vote.
HG Wells
Feb 18 2008, 3:05 PM
Answer has 4 votes
Currently Best Answer
McGruff Moderator 25 year member
3694 replies
Answer has 4 votes.
Currently voted the best answer.
H.G. Wells also wrote various supernatural tales, and anticipated the kind of logical, quasi-scientific fantasy that later became a staple of the US magazine Unknown. In the comic tale "The Truth About Pyecraft", the obese title character follows a magical recipe to lose weight. Alas, he should have specified fat rather than weight: though bloated as ever, he ends up floating like a balloon.