In the movie "Bad Santa" a child asks Santa for something like a "Fraggel stick car." What is he talking about?
Question #56739. Asked by Knives13.
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kaylofgorons 20 year member
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How old is the film?
I remember specifically the Fraggles as a kids show from the late eighties, early nineties. I was in the right age group to watch it at that time. They're like the muppets. I don't know what that would have to do with cars, though.
Apr 18 2005, 7:15 PM
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gmackematix 22 year member
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The film is quite recent and with its stream of blue language is probably not for the kiddies.
I think the point here is that the child is being deliberately awkward in asking "Santa" for a "Fraggle stick car" as there is no such thing.
Apr 18 2005, 8:44 PM
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kaylofgorons 20 year member
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Definitely not for the kiddies, but apparently there was a child in there. Sounds pretty lame anyhow.
If there was any connection at all, the "doozers" in Fraggles were always building bridges and towers with crystal sticks that the Fraggles were forever eating on them. Doozers had tiny little vehicles to move their sticks. But this is fishing, and it might be better to go with gmack's idea.
Apr 18 2005, 9:36 PM
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gmackematix 22 year member
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Everyone remembers the Doozers, the Trash Heap, Great Uncle Travelling Mac and so on but what were the giants called?
Apr 19 2005, 12:34 AM
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kaylofgorons 20 year member
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Oh, I remember this...I just saw it on tape a while ago...come on, come on...
The Gords? :P That's all I can come up with. lol, they didn't seem that important.