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A band called Kit and the Widow is supposed to have made a song called "Hundreds of Norwegians on the London Underground". How does it go?

Question #57705. Asked by author.

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22 year member
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They definitely did. Kit and the Widow are a brilliant duo - two fellows despite the name - who do gently cutting lyrics about current affairs and so on. The tune of Hundreds of Norwegians is Edvard Greig's Hall of the Mountain King, and it can be found on their album Les Enfants du Parody. (Thanks to Jim Dixon on MudCat for that info.) The words are not available on the internet so far as we can find. The song is about the amount of Norwegian tourists with wooly hats and backpacks to be found in London. Exceptionally funny, as is almost all their stuff. They are a modern survival of the old revue or cabaret singers - same sort of witty lyrics and laid back delivery as Noel Coward. Worth looking out for.

Jun 12 2005, 3:34 PM
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