How are Queen Elizabeth the first of England and Queen Isabel connected?
Question #58197. Asked by princess9.
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TabbyTom 23 year member
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Currently voted the best answer.
They have the same name.
Isabel is the Spanish form of the name (originally Hebrew) which is usually rendered in English as Elizabeth.
Jul 06 2005, 3:20 PM
Answer has 2 votes
lanfranco 20 year member
4170 replies
Answer has 2 votes.
That IS clever, TT. Though princess seemed to be referring to a specific Queen Isabel. I could point out that Isabel of France, Queen of Edward II and mother of Edward III, was Elizabeth's 6-times-great grandmother -- at least on the paternal side. Elizabeth was also descended from her on the side of her mother, Elizabeth of York.
Jul 06 2005, 3:28 PM
Answer has 4 votes
TabbyTom 23 year member
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Answer has 4 votes.
Alternatively, we can take Isabel(la) of Castile, the wife of Ferdinand and sponsor of Christopher Columbus. Isabel(la) was the mother of Catherine of Aragon, who was the first wife of Henry VIII of England, who was the father of Elizabeth I by his second wife. Does this make Elizabeth something like the great-step-niece of Isabel(la)?
Jul 06 2005, 4:48 PM
Answer has 3 votes
lanfranco 20 year member
4170 replies
Answer has 3 votes.
Technically, Elizabeth would have been the step-granddaughter of Isabell(a) of Castile, but only if you call Catherine of Aragon her "stepmother." (I don't think that works, given the timing of the divorce situation.) The whole thing is awfully messy.
No matter. They were all related in one way or another anyway.
Jul 06 2005, 4:58 PM
Answer has 5 votes
Answer has 5 votes.
I beg your pardon. I was referring to Queen Isabel of Castilla, and her husband, Ferdinand of Aragon. I apologize for forgetting to type that information, and I appreciate the answers you have given.