Why are the letters 'Q' and 'Z' missing from the telephone buttons?
Question #58294. Asked by barker111.
Last updated Jun 12 2021.
Answer has 4 votes
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kyleisalive 21 year member
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They aren't on mine. Must be one of those things associated with certain models and companies...
Jul 12 2005, 8:23 PM
Answer has 2 votes
satguru Moderator 22 year member
1251 replies
Answer has 2 votes.
My guess would be that in the days when exchanges had names, and the names were spelt out using the numbers letter function, Q and Z would have been in so few names it wasn't worth featuring them as redundant letters on the dial (this was long before we had buttons).
In London each exchange had a name made from the available letters till they all ran out, when they switched to numbers to use all the combinations that wouldn't have made a word.
Jul 12 2005, 8:25 PM
Answer has 3 votes
MrsAce 20 year member
513 replies
Answer has 3 votes.
Satguru's answer is what I found also. The Q was even more limited in use because most Q words are following by U limiting the exchange even further. We are really aging ourselves when we can remember numbers like VIking 6-0000 or ATlantic 4-0000.