How did actor David Lawton, Crossroads' Mr Booth, die?
Question #58824. Asked by Linus_337.
Last updated Dec 26 2016.
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JoshCaleb12 23 year member
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One website says he died in 1977, but a website dedicated to the Crossroads show says he appeared on the show through 1979. Neither site says how he died, or what he died of.
Aug 16 2005, 1:36 PM
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gmackematix 22 year member
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I found the site that mentioned 1979 and other that seems to correct it. That one says he played the camp motel chef from 1966 to 1977. He only stopped playing the part due to his sudden and tragic death in 1977.
Aug 16 2005, 5:06 PM
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David and Rebecca are very much alive and kicking, though they have asked for their location to be kept quiet.