What domestic animal does not appear in the Bible?
Question #59599. Asked by my_baby_love.
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Cat is the answer I was looking for. Interestingly enough one reason why there is a superstition against cats is that they don't appear in the Bible.
Sep 28 2005, 10:04 AM
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Arpeggionist 21 year member
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An explanation might be (though it is a long shot) that cats enjoyed the status of gods in Egypt and, not wishing to transfer such status into Hebrew literature, the authors of the Bible left them out.
Another reason might be that cats were not a common pet in Israel or anywhere else in Asia. In most places here even today, dogs are the preferred house pets. Though today cats generally roam the streets freely here in Israel (thus we very rarely have mouse problems), they were only recently introduced to this land, probably brought along with American immigrants before their populations exploded.