There was a movie that spoofed the scene from Saturday Night Fever where John Travolta was "strutting down the street" to the Bee Gee song, "Staying Alive". What was that movie?
All the spoofs from Saturday Night Fever are listed here.
Jan 06 2006, 8:05 AM
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BungeeAZ 23 year member
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Mategasgar, the zebra was strutting down the street to the music of Stayin' Alive.
Jan 06 2006, 11:31 AM
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gmackematix 22 year member
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It's such an iconic scene that I imagine most of the spoofs listed in the IMDb will be referencing that particular scene.
As I recall, Ted Stryker in "Airplane!" takes so long to tell of his disco flashback, the passenger he is telling it to has hung himself. But that's not important right now...