The Mirror is part of the TrinityMirror Group. Trinity Newspapers were the proprietors of the Liverpool Echo and the Daily Post (and my local rag the Southport Visiter - yes, it is spelt that way because someone got it wrong when it first came out!). Trinity took over the ailing Mirror group. Is the Daily Star a newspaper? I've never bought it, but I've never seen anything much like news in anyone else's copy that I've looked at.
Feb 27 2006, 2:52 PM
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paper_aero 20 year member
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Answer has 2 votes.
Star is part of Express newspapers currently owne by Richard Desmond.
Rupert Murdoch owns Sun & Times via News International
Mail is part of Associated Newspapers
Guardian & Observer are owned by the Scott Trust.
I can't remember the current details for the Inde.
Feb 27 2006, 5:23 PM
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paper_aero 20 year member
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Answer has 2 votes.
Independent Newspapers are (I believe) still owned by Tony O'Reilly an Irish newspaper magnate.
He bought them out towards the end of the last century.