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How would Japanese pronounce *Zidane*, and what does it mean, if anything?

Question #65198. Asked by kaylofgorons.

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Zinedine Zidane--French football player for Real Madrid and France, widely regarded as one of the greatest players in the world.


Pronounced "Se-dayne" with a bent toward the sound produced when saying Zsa-Zsa

Also a character in a computer game.

Apr 30 2006, 3:40 PM
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Yeah, I'm looking for how the Japanese would pronounce the name Zidane as used in a video game produced in that country. My question did not ask for a French pronunciation, and I would also like to know what the name means...*in Japanese*.

Maybe I should just find wajo...

Apr 30 2006, 3:49 PM
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Beats me!!! If someone else doesn't come along with your could e-mail the company that makes the game?

Apr 30 2006, 4:02 PM
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Sigh. I would just be very, very disappointed if the character was named for a football player. He doesn't look the type.

Apr 30 2006, 4:06 PM
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Kayl, it seems that in the Japanese version of the game, the name is translated (and therefore I assume pronounced) as either "Jitan" or "Zitan." The site below does not indicate that the name has a special meaning.

And you're right: he doesn't look anything like a football player, more like a 12-year-old version of Mad Max:


Apr 30 2006, 4:34 PM
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I looked this up in both Japanese-English and Japanese-Japanese dictionary and can't find a meaning... Mr Wajo doesn't know it either. He pulled one of his 'there's no hope for young people today' faces when I said it was an anime word.

'Zi' is now usually written 'ji'. I would read this word in Japanese as 'ji-dah-ne' The final 'ne' is like net without the t on the end.

Apr 30 2006, 7:40 PM
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I think I'll hang with the Jitan meaning. The character was the only known example of his kind, and most of us would agree that he was a pretty tough kid.

Zbeckabee, if you think my Zidane looks like a football player, you have the wrong picture. He's occassionally called a scrawny little monkey, and he wears fancy clothes. His attitude is something like Disney's Alladin, a smart-mouth thief with a good heart. Mad Max might work...but Zidane's friendly to a fault--Ooooo, I better just post and quit before I launch into an explanation of the whole game...

Apr 30 2006, 9:12 PM
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Bruyere avatar

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Well, it's sure a good thing they didn't name the character after Zidane's Marseille nickname 'Zizou' as that would be hard to pronounce. In his home town, no one says the long version.

May 01 2006, 7:12 AM
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No, a Zitan tree looks like football player...LOL!

May 01 2006, 10:08 AM
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