You can divide the numbers 111, 222, 333, 444 and 555 by 1, 3 and 111 and there will be no remainder. By what other number can you divide them by so that there is no remainder?
Question #65262. Asked by Playmate2474.
Answer has 8 votes
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Tricky... zero?
Dividing by zero is an illegal operation, but I don't think it would leave a remainder ...
Oh, wait a minute. 3 into 111 goes 37 times.
111 / 37 = 3
222 / 37 = 6
333 / 37 = 9
444 / 37 = 12
555 / 37 = 15
It's 37 [/smug]
May 02 2006, 3:33 PM
Answer has 4 votes
gmackematix 22 year member
3206 replies
Answer has 4 votes.
And 27 lots of 37 are 999.
This is why 1/37 is 0.027027027...