The supporting cast included Ty Coon, Muskie the Muskrat and Vincent Van Gopher, who didn't always function as pals of Deputy's — they had to be chased out of other folks' chicken coops and melon patches every bit as often as the next guy.
May 12 2006, 9:19 AM
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bufflehaid 19 year member
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I don't think he had one. Muskie Muskrat and Vince van Gopher were his constant problem though.
May 12 2006, 9:20 AM
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bufflehaid 19 year member
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Rats, always too slow.
May 12 2006, 9:21 AM
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zbeckabee Moderator 19 year member
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Deputy Dawg had no official sidekick. I'm assuming that you're referring to Muskie the Muskrat, although any one of the minor characters would probably qualify. The others included Vincent "Vince" Van Gopher, Ty Coon (a raccoon), Pig Newton and of course, the Sheriff.