Can anyone explain the method of how those tiny, round, multi-colored sprinkles are made, or post a link to a page with the information?
Question #66939. Asked by annaphillips.
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zbeckabee Moderator 19 year member
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I've actually made them before...chocolate ones. You mix up the recipe for the candy and put it in this little tube press and it comes squishing out in long strips and after it sets you cut or break them. Tedious as all get out BUT yummy! Can't find a link with the candy press but it's similar to an icing bag. I'm sure the "sprinkle people" use huge machines.
Jun 14 2006, 4:52 PM
Answer has 4 votes
Answer has 4 votes.
There are two methods of making the round multi-coloured hundreds-and-thousands. The easiest way is to use pearl sugar which is spheroid and dye to taste. The second, more complicated method, involves spinning sugar crystals in a centifuge until the centuple and decuple forces create hundreds and thousands of balls.