When you buy a ringtone, there is poly and mono. Which one is the real song and which one is the beeps?
Question #70632. Asked by dani_1993_elle.
Last updated Jan 09 2021.
Originally posted Jan 09 2021 3:27 AM.
Answer has 2 votes
Answer has 2 votes.
Polyphonic = multiple sounds. Much more realistic. Some older phones cannot support polyphonic tones.
A polyphonic ringtone is a ringtone that makes use of polyphony. Many mobile phones make use of such ringtones as they offer customers more options in customization.
The best type of ringer is a MP3 format.
A polyphonic ring tone is usually a MIDI recording. It specifies what instrument should play a note at a given time, while the sound is dependent upon the playback device.
Both poly and mono are beeps. Mono means one note at a time, while poly has lots of notes at a time, but they are still "synthesiser" versions. hHat you want is called "real".
Jan 09 2021, 3:27 AM
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kaylofgorons 20 year member
303 replies
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My phone service calls the "real song," the one with voices and everything, the "super" ringtones. They cost more, and with sound quality of my phone, I stick with poly for better results.
Jan 09 2021, 3:27 AM
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Answer has 1 vote.
Phones are SUPPOSED to ring when called.
I find not many things more annoying or distracting than a phone that plays a sample of a song when it rings.
Just a personal quirk of mine.
Jan 09 2021, 3:27 AM
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Baloo55th 22 year member
4545 replies
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I don't buy ringtones - I use my own tunes. Good advertising...
Jan 09 2021, 3:27 AM
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Answer has 1 vote.
Poly is like all together notes and Mono is one note at a time
Jan 09 2021, 3:27 AM
Answer has 1 vote
Answer has 1 vote.
It is a trick question. Polyphonic ringtones are different note that sound just like the song and Monophonic ringtones is just one note at a time. Real Tones is the real song that acutally sings the song. but if i had to pick between the two i would have to pick polyphonic.