Kikyo met Inuyasha while guarding the Shikon Jewel. The two of them bonded quickly because both of them felt like outsiders who could not live normal lives, Inuyasha because he was a hanyou, Kikyo because she was duty-bound to guard the Shikon Jewel. They fell in love, but Naraku was able to exploit their lack of trust in one another, turning them against each other in the hopes of causing the Jewel to be corrupted.
Why, it's Kagome of course. Yes, I know that Inuyasha fell in love with Kikyo when she was guarding the Jewel, but Naraku tricked them both into believing that the other had betrayed them. Kikyo died, and Kagome saved him from being stuck to a tree for all eternity.
Sep 13 2006, 7:46 PM
Answer has 4 votes
kaylofgorons 21 year member
303 replies
Answer has 4 votes.
Because of the complicated and a little bizarre (but somehow addicting) story-line, Kikyo and Kagome actually have the same soul. This annoying contradiction is probably why Inuyasha has trouble dealing with the situation. Kikyo and Kagome are like different, very different, sides of the same person.
If I had to pick one, I'd say Kagome is his girlfriend. Kikyo is technically dead, making her the dead girlfriend - she's living on borrowed time.