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What are the English lyrics for the song 'Bambino' sung by The Springfields in the early 1960's?

Question #70936. Asked by MaggieG 5.
Last updated May 30 2021.

Answer has 3 votes
24 year member
1455 replies

Answer has 3 votes.
Bambino nel tempo (english version)

whilst looking at the sea
my thoughts go to a degree of
latitude of a past age
when I believed in
fary tailes, always with
my mind between clouds
when dreams and desires
became reality in the
book of fantasy
it was that season of life
there was no melancholy

in present times of
anxiety I feel that
one cannot cheat anymore
despite all the rest
hope still contains a
little bit of naivety
I want to continue like before
always asking why

and I draw the world
around me my way
like a child long ago
that never looses
his curiosity

it's the instict that makes
me fly away from here
a child in former times
never surrenders but
looks for happiness

loneliness keeps me
company while I'm
breathing salty air
this place looked
like magic in my memory
as a small child
I'm looking for an
answer I don't have
like I did before
what's the difference:
be fixed and waiting
or leaving this place?

and I draw the world
around me my way
like a child long ago
that never looses
his curiosity

it's the instict that
makes me change reality
a child in former times
never surrenders but
looks for happiness

and this invisible
and true part of me
will stay forever...

and I draw the world
around me my way
a child in former times
never surrenders but
looks for happiness

a child in former times
never surrenders but
looks for happiness


Response last updated by gtho4 on May 30 2021.
Sep 23 2006, 12:47 PM
MaggieG star
Answer has 4 votes
Currently Best Answer
MaggieG star avatar

Answer has 4 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
Oh dear, I don't recognise any of these words - are you sure it's the song which the Springfields sang? It was a Christmas song.

Sep 23 2006, 1:10 PM
Answer has 3 votes
20 year member
445 replies

Answer has 3 votes.
This is called "Gesu Bambino" and sounds like a Christmas song, but is not from the Springfields:
When blossoms flower e'er 'mid the snows,
Upon a winter night,
Was born the child, the christmas rose,
The king of love and light.
The angels sang, the shepherds sang,
The grateful earth rejoiced;
And at his blessed birth the stars
Their exultation voiced.

O come let us adore him
O come let us adore him
O come let us adore him
Christ the lord.

Again the heart with rapture glows
To greet the holy night,
That gave the world its christmas rose,
Its king of love and light
Let ev'ry voice acclaim his name,
The grateful chorus swell
From paradise to earth he came
That we with him might dwell.



Sep 23 2006, 1:27 PM
MaggieG star
Answer has 4 votes
MaggieG star avatar

Answer has 4 votes.
I managed to find them with a lot of help from some friends. They're here.

Sep 23 2006, 4:02 PM
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