Question #73195. Asked by author.
Last updated Oct 11 2016.
Answer has 3 votes
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satguru Moderator 22 year member
1251 replies
Answer has 3 votes.
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Technically sheikhs include many other esteemed men besides rulers, though the main areas of what the west call sheikdoms are in the Gulf States such as United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Kuwait as well as East Africa
Technically the rulers of Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and United Arab Emirates are called emirs. Is an emir the same as a sheikh? By the way, the ruler of Oman calls himself a sultan. Where in East Africa would you find a sheikh as the present ruler of an independent nation?
Dec 11 2006, 9:03 PM
Answer has 2 votes
author 23 year member
2834 replies
Answer has 2 votes.
Some of the members of the Islamic Courts Union in Somalia who control parts of the country call themselves "sheikhs", but they are not (yet?) the official rulers of Somalia.
Dec 11 2006, 9:09 PM
Answer has 3 votes
Baloo55th 22 year member
4545 replies
Answer has 3 votes.
Sheikh is more an honorific title than a title belonging to a ruler as such. You can be a sheikh and an emir or sultan at the same time. And you can be a sheikh without ruling anything. The individual rulers of the Emirate states are all sheikhs and one of them who holds a doctorate as well just happens to be called Sultan (as a name) to confuse matters!), and the President of the UAE is also a sheikh. But they rule as Emirs.
Response last updated by satguru on Oct 11 2016.
Dec 12 2006, 4:57 AM