What was the negative effect to the underground railroad?
Question #73677. Asked by dani_1993_elle.
Answer has 10 votes
Cpt.Myers 18 year member
13 replies
Answer has 10 votes.
some of the slaves were caught and then hurt or killed
Dec 23 2006, 5:12 PM
Answer has 11 votes
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lanfranco 20 year member
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One result was the enactment of the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850. This placed both escaping slaves and freedmen in jeopardy. Some legally-freed people of color were captured and ended up back in slavery.
The refusal of some northern states to enforce this law helped pave the way for the Civil War, since southerners eventually cited the "uncooperative" stance of the North as a reason for secession.
Ultimately, however, I'd say that the Underground Railroad had many more positive than negative effects.
Just kidding. But it did put escaping slaves at risk. As awful as slavery is, in general the slaves weren't being shot.
Dec 23 2006, 7:58 PM
Answer has 6 votes
star_gazer 23 year member
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Answer has 6 votes.
Where there negative effects of the underground railroad - yes of course. But in spite of these small problems the underground railroad served many innocent black people to escape from the terrible bondage of slavery.
The underground railroad was the start for blacks who desired to be free, it was the first domino to fall, today all government sanctioned slavery has been eradicated from the world.