What 25 letter name of a vegetable uses all letters of the alphabet except the letter 'y'?
Question #74647. Asked by maryliz914.
Last updated Oct 10 2017.
Originally posted Aug 08 2017 8:14 AM.
Answer has 3 votes
Currently Best Answer
HairyBear 19 year member
30 replies
Answer has 3 votes.
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I can find no vegetable (or any other word) that satisfies the TWO requirements here, that it be 25 letters AND that no letter repeats. According to the Oxford Dictionary site, the longest word that does not repeat a letter is 15 letters long, and there are two of them, uncopyrightable and dermatoglyphics.
On the supposition that the questioner was referring to the Latin name, I checked this page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_vegetables No pair of words matched the requirements, either.