Were there places, like Ancient Athens, that had long periods without war, of course. But not the entire world. This question might be better suited for the forums/chats.
Jan 25 2007, 7:57 PM
Answer has 5 votes
Currently Best Answer
JaneofGaunt 23 year member
556 replies
Answer has 5 votes.
Currently voted the best answer.
Don't know about recorded history throughout the world but the following article states there have only been 26 days of world-wide peace since 1945...scroll down
Jane's reference only covers the world scene since 1945.
To arrive at a proper answer, Kapuskasing needs to give us a definition of "war" for his question.
Jan 25 2007, 8:38 PM
Answer has 4 votes
Answer has 4 votes.
<< To arrive at a proper answer, Kapuskasing needs to give us a definition of "war" for his question. >>
Well, after looking at some of the above referenced websites (thank you all for those), I'll wave the white flag here, declare a truce, flash a peace sign... and go back to the FunTrivia Global Challenge --- one that's less frought with minefields than the real-world Global Challenges.
(By the way, and I understand that this is not a discussion forum, but: Queproblema, I'm a she, not a he!)