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What happened to Hitler's suicide gun (luger)?

Question #76693. Asked by genewton.
Last updated Jun 03 2021.

zbeckabee star
Answer has 4 votes
zbeckabee star
19 year member
11752 replies avatar

Answer has 4 votes.
Interesting side note...and I quote:

Sunday, January 22, 2006

"BLOOMINGTON, Ill. — A gun that may have belonged to Adolf Hitler is expected to fetch thousands of dollars when it's auctioned off."

"The bidding on the German-made shotgun with the initials "A.H." begins Jan. 30 in an online auction hosted by a pawn shop in Bloomington, Illinois. Shop owner Wes Lane says he didn't believe it when he was first told the weapon once belonged to Hitler. But he changed his mind after hearing the story about how it was taken from one of Hitler's secret hideaways in May 1945. Now he's "totally convinced."

"The gun found its way into the hands of a soldier who settled in central Illinois and kept it under his bed. The man died more than a decade ago and his family no longer wants the gun."

"Net proceeds from the auction will go to the Anti-Defamation League."


Response last updated by satguru on Jun 03 2021.
Mar 03 2007, 9:16 PM
McGruff star
Answer has 7 votes
Currently Best Answer
McGruff star
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3694 replies avatar

Answer has 7 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
Hitler supposedly committed suicide with a Walther PPK 7.65mm handgun.

'The Personal Pistols of Adolf Hitler' is a compilation of letters, documents and facts pertaining to the Walther pistols owned and used by Adolf Hitler. These pistols are now in the possession of his genetic biological son.

The alleged mastermind of an audacious international scam to sell Hitler's suicide pistol and the gun of Hitler's niece and lover Geli Raubal for $4.75 million has surfaced in Queensland as the head of a militant Jewish group.

Michael O'Hara, a.k.a. Zeev Gideon Korwan, is facing 139 fraud charges in Melbourne after elaborately forged documents authenticating Hitler's Walther PPK 7.65mm handgun and Ms Raubal's Walther Special 8, 6.35 calibre, were planted in archives in Germany and Russia.

These documents include wartime letters from SS chief Heinrich Himmler, Hitler's driver and bodyguard Emile Maurice and the Walther gun factory.

Response last updated by CmdrK on Aug 25 2016.
Jan 21 2008, 9:24 AM
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