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In 1971 Dave Webb had to play in goal for Chelsea v Ipswich as Peter Bonetti was held up on the motorway. But was this the only time he played in goal for them, not being a regular goalkeeper?

Question #76695. Asked by satguru.

zbeckabee star
Answer has 4 votes
zbeckabee star
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Answer has 4 votes.
"Webb spent much of his Chelsea career as a right back, he also played in central defence (his original position) and occasionally as a centre forward, once hitting a hat-trick against Ipswich Town in December 1968."

The following quote makes it sounds as though this was a one time shot:

"He even played as a goalkeeper for an entire match, also against Ipswich, on December 26, 1971, keeping a clean sheet in the process."


Mar 03 2007, 11:25 PM
gtho4 star
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gtho4 star
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Answer has 6 votes.

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According to this site, David Webb played in goal twice; once for an entire match (see post by zbeckabee above), and once when Bonetti was injured:

David Webb became an emergency goalkeeper for Chelsea after Peter Bonetti was injured in a game against Coventry City on December 18th, 1971. He then played the entire game the following week because both of Chelsea's goalkeepers were unfit and kept a clean sheet as The Blues beat Ipswich 2-0.


Mar 04 2007, 5:17 AM
satguru star
Answer has 3 votes
satguru star
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1250 replies avatar

Answer has 3 votes.
Thanks both. I asked as I was there v Ipswich and although I scoured the sites I couldn't find whether he'd ever done it another time. It's some coincidence he both played in goal the week before and then was needed the following week, though I was surprised they didn't have a regular reserve keeper as they do now. He was quite entertaining, joking around and appeared to have no idea what he was doing despite not letting one in. A hidden talent for sure.

Mar 04 2007, 11:05 AM
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