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The word 'Bell' is the name given to the sound made by what type of animal?

Question #77589. Asked by nibbles0011.

jsweit star
Answer has 3 votes
jsweit star
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Answer has 3 votes.
Blue jays have many calls. The one that is probably most familiar is the "jay" call for which it is named. This probably attracts other jays to join a flock or serves as an alarm call. Another call sounds like a rusty pump handle, and another sounds like a bell. Blue jays also make rattling sounds. In the spring you can hear very soft singing.


Mar 21 2007, 11:27 AM
Answer has 5 votes
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22 year member
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Answer has 5 votes.

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The word 'bell' as an animal sound (rather than 'sounding like a bell') applies to hounds and deer. It's not really the same as the sound of a (ding-dong) bell, but more related to bellow. Hounds on the trail are said to bell, and male deer in rut also. (And if you've ever heard that one in a pitch dark wood, about 20 foot behind you, after the feller standing next to you has just given a very good imitation of the call, you have my sympathy. There aren't many of us... Red deer can be extremely nasty in November.)

Mar 21 2007, 12:01 PM
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