If a diameter can be a chord, then can a chord be a diameter?
Question #78317. Asked by spartan11558.
Answer has 3 votes
Baloo55th 22 year member
4545 replies
Answer has 3 votes.
A diameter is a special case of the chord. A diameter IS a chord in that it is a line intersecting the circumference of a circle, but it is the one that bisects the circle. No other chord does this, other chords dividing the circle into unequal parts.
Apr 04 2007, 2:57 PM
Answer has 2 votes
Answer has 2 votes.
But its characteristicts still technically make it a chord
Apr 04 2007, 3:05 PM
Answer has 22 votes
Currently Best Answer
BG07 18 year member
110 replies
Answer has 22 votes.
Currently voted the best answer.
A diameter is a chord, but not all chords are diameters because chords are defined as ANY line from a point on a circle to another point on the circle. So a diamater can be a chord and a chord can be a diameter, but not always.