From my experience in French classes, I would pronounce it "peuh-joe".
Of the options you presented, I can say with certainty that "pew-joe" is not correct.
Apr 13 2007, 4:05 PM
Answer has 2 votes
lanfranco 20 year member
4169 replies
Answer has 2 votes.
Maybe in the south of England they add that "r," but the first syllable really should be pronounced as French "peu" (which means "a little" or "few".) The closest I can come in English is to suggest that you give it sort of the same sound as the "pu" in "pull": pu-ZHO.
Apr 13 2007, 4:09 PM
Answer has 5 votes
zbeckabee Moderator 19 year member
11752 replies
Answer has 5 votes.
24and48fan -- Your link for U.S. pronunciation is correct with "pooZHO" or "PYOOzho."
Correctly, per-zhoe rather than -joe, and stressed on the first syllable. G followed by e in French is the same sound as the s in English leisure. I'm using per to indicate an English pronunciation as in the English word per (as in per cent). Pew is definitely wrong. Those Wiki pronunciations may be the ones used in the USA, but they are not French. Poo-zho would be Pougeot, and pyoo-zho would be Piougeot.