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Who are the seven British soccer players to win the European Cup with non British teams?

Question #79152. Asked by sheriffrayray.

gtho4 star
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Answer has 6 votes.

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from "The Guardian" Wednesday June 20, 2001

"During the recent Champions League Final, Clive Tyldesley mentioned that seven British players have won the European Cup with foreign teams. I can think of three: Owen Hargreaves, Steve McManaman and Kevin Keegan. Can anyone name the others?" asked Kenny Biggs.

The original quote was along the lines that Owen Hargreaves was the seventh British player to play in a European Cup final with a non-British team, say Jim Nicholson and Jon Browne.

Therefore, as both men explain, the players Kenny is looking for are:

Paul Lambert (a winner for Borussia Dortmund against Juventus 1997).
Steve McManaman (a winner for Real Madrid against Valencia 2000).
Owen Hargreaves (a winner for Bayern Munich against Valencia 2001).
Kevin Keegan (a loser for Hamburg against Nottingham Forest in 1980).
Laurie Cunningham (a loser for Real Madrid against Liverpool in 1981).
Steve Archibald (a loser for Barcelona against Steaua in 1986).
Chris Waddle (a loser for Marseille against Red Star Belgrade in 1991).

link,4273,4207346,00.html :,4273,4207346,00.html">link

Apr 20 2007, 12:35 AM
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