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Does anybody know the poem about Mothers Day from "Futurama"?

Question #80310. Asked by locococo4284.

Answer has 4 votes
Currently Best Answer
20 year member
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Answer has 4 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.

Oh, precious things. I found the most adorable little figurine of mice having tea. And a framed picture of me when I was only a month old. But, the best part is, I found my exact feelings expressed in a greeting card.

You created me, Mom

So I guess you're to blame

For the love that I feel

Just from hearing your name...

[The others cringe at the sappiness of the message.]

...You're as tender as corned beef

And warm as pastrami...

[He opens the card and it finishes the message.]

I wuv my Mommy!

May 13 2007, 7:05 AM
Answer has 2 votes

Answer has 2 votes.
Thank you so much! I always forget about Mothers Day...

May 13 2007, 7:21 AM
Answer has 3 votes

Answer has 3 votes.

Oh, precious things. I found the most adorable little figurine of mice having tea. And a framed picture of me when I was only a month old. But, the best part is, I found my exact feelings expressed in a greeting card.

You created me, Mom

So I guess you're to blame

For the love that I feel

Just from hearing your name...

[The others cringe at the sappiness of the message.]

...You're as tender as corned beef

And warm as pastrami...

[He opens the card and it finishes the message.]

I wuv my Mommy!

May 13 2007, 11:42 PM
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