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Very often in house music, you hear references to Jack. 'In the beginning there was Jack. And jack has a grove. The grove of all groves'. What's the origin of this? Was there a guy called Jack at the forefront of house music at its inception or is 'Jack' merely a personification of house music?

Question #80715. Asked by billythebrit.

Answer has 7 votes
Currently Best Answer
21 year member
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Answer has 7 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.

""In the beginning, there was JACK and JACK has a groove. And from this groove came the groove of all grooves. And then one day while viciously throwin' down on his box, Jack rose and declared, "Let there be House," and House Music was born. I am 'ya see, I am the CREATOR, and "this" is My House. And in My House, there is "only" House Music. But I am not so selfish, because once you enter My House, then it becomes "our" House and Our House Music. And every House, you understand, has a keeper. And in this House, the keeper is Jack.
Now some of you might wonder, who is Jack? And what is it that Jack does? "Jack" is the one that gives you the power to Jack your body. "Jack" is the one that gives you the power to do the snake. "Jack" is the one that gives you the key to the wiggly worm. "Jack" is the one that learns ya how to wop ya body. Jack is the one who can bring nations and nations of all Jackers together under one House. Jackers together under one House. And as I told you before this is our House and our House Music, you may be black, you may be white, you may be jew or gentile, it doesn't make a difference in our house and this is fresh." "

Does this help at all?

May 20 2007, 4:14 PM
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