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Is London or New York the most international city in the world; that with the most amount of persons born in other nations and from the most amount of nations?

Question #81364. Asked by billythebrit.
Last updated Oct 06 2021.

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According to Wikipedia, the city with the most amount of people born in other nations is Miami, not London or New York.

Miami is followed by Toronto.

Jun 02 2007, 12:02 PM
lanfranco star
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According to this site, New York has a higher percentage of foreign-born residents than London does. No break-down of countries of origin is provided:

This is a useful site on New York's demographics:


Jun 02 2007, 12:03 PM
dino335 star
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New York is the "most international city"! 160 different languages are spoken in New York, I am pretty sure this makes New York number one as far as having people from more different nations than any other -- which makes New York the most international city -- and having the UN headquarters here doesn't hurt either.

Miami or Toronto may have "more foriegn born" but no way they have more people from more different countries than New York. Not to mention they are just little berries compared to the Big Apple.

Jun 02 2007, 5:11 PM
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During London's 2012 Olympic presentation in Singapore, the Mayor, Ken Livingstone said that 200 different languages are spoken in London, that's why I asked the above question.

And I was actually living in New York when London got the Olympics. And the American guy on CNN said it did help that London was the most international city on earth.

Jun 02 2007, 6:59 PM
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Answer has 4 votes.
More languages are spoken in the borough of Queens, NY, than in any other area in New York City, New York State, or the whole United States. (London claims the title for most linguistically diverse city in the world.) Approximately 138 languages are spoken in Queens (according to NY State Comptroller).

Top Ten Languages Spoken in Queens

1. English (vast majority)
2. Spanish
3. Chinese
4. Korean
5. Italian
6. Greek
7. Russian
8. Tagalog (Filipino)
9. French
10. French Creole

According to the 2000 Census, more than half of Queens residents, ages 5 and older, speak a language other than English at home.

* Residents speaking a language at home other than English - 1,120,455 or 54%


And then...

There are very few cities in the world where you can order breakfast in Farsi, book a taxi in Urdu, ask for afternoon coffee in Arabic and spend the evening chatting with your friends in Cantonese. But all of this - and more - can be done in London.

Within the boundaries of the capital, 300 different languages are regularly spoken. "London is clearly the most cosmopolitan city in Europe and only New York can really claim to be as world class in terms of its internationalism," said Patrick Kerr, a spokesman for London First, Greater London's inward investment agency.


Response last updated by satguru on Oct 06 2021.
Jun 02 2007, 9:11 PM
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London was the centre of the British Empire, the most powerful empire the world has ever seen, covering over 40 percent of the globe. This later became the Commonwealth, and due to this, so many from so many countries came to London, for them, the world's hub.

There are more New York banks in London than in New York. In London you can trade with Tokyo in the morning, then New York and LA in the afternoon. Because it is always '12 o'clock' in London - it's officially the central point for the rest of the world. In New York, you can trade with London but Tokyo has gone to bed. That's why so many US banks have offices in London. Its geographic location on the globe enables its office hours to overlap with normal office hours for other countries across the world that account for 99 per cent of world GDP.

There are 550 overseas banks in London - more than any other city in the world.

More international telephone calls are made to and from London than any other point on the planet.

London is the largest aviation hub in the world with Heathrow carrying more international passengers than any other airport in the world.

It is the international legal centre of the world, with the world's largest law firms.

Jun 03 2007, 6:03 AM
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London is the financial centre of the world. London handled 31 per cent of global currency transactions in 2005 - an average daily turnover of US$753 billion - with more US dollars traded in London than in New York and more Euros traded than in every other city in Europe combined.

The only city on earth to be given the biggest international sporting event on earth, the Olympics three times.

London is the most visited city in the world, with an estimated 26.3 million visits to London in 2005.

300 languages spoken according to wikipedia, more any other city in the world.

More than 50 non-indigenous communities which have a population of more than 10,000 scattered across a metropolis that sprawls over an area twice the size of New York's five boroughs.

Jun 03 2007, 6:04 AM
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My guess is that Dubai is the most international city of the world. This quote is from Wikipedia. As you can see only 17% of the Dubai population are actually UAE nationals. I know this refers to the whole emirate of Dubai, but this mostly consists of the city of Dubai.

According to the census conducted by Statical Center of Dubai, the population of the emirate was 1,422,000 as of 2006, which included 1,073,000 males and 349,000 females. As of 1998, 17% of the population of the emirate was made up of UAE nationals. Approximately 85% of the expatriate population (and 71% of the emirate's total population) was Asian, chiefly Indian (51%), Pakistani (16%), Bangladeshi (9%) and Filipino (3%). About 3% of the total population of Dubai was categorized as "Western". In addition, 16% of the population (or 288,000 persons) lived in collective labour accommodation were not identified by ethnicity or nationality, but were thought to be primarily Asian.

Jun 05 2007, 7:08 PM
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