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Is it true that Linkin Park's lead singer, Chester Bennington, sometimes has to step offstage between songs to vomit due to the stress his body is under because of his constant screamo-like singing?

Question #82492. Asked by guilmon3.

callie_ross star
Answer has 3 votes
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callie_ross star
18 year member
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Answer has 3 votes.

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I have heard this story, too, and wanted to research it for myself. The answer I came up with is Chester actually had a a hiatal hernia, a condition that occurs when part of the stomach slides above the diaphragm, allowing stomach acid to flow freely into the esophagus. This was causing him to be ill. He has since had surgery for this condition. Is he still vomiting, I wonder? I tried to look up that answer, but didn't find anything. Here's the link to the MTV article I found on Chester:


I'm also curious as to what actually caused his hernia. Was it his intense screamo singing? If anyone does know, please inform me because I am a big fan of Chester's! Thanks! :)

Jun 25 2007, 5:54 PM
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