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Where in London is Eastenders set; northeast London or southeast London?

Question #86969. Asked by billythebrit.

nina300 star
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nina300 star
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Answer has 4 votes.

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"Albert Square is the fictional location of the popular BBC soap opera EastEnders. It is ostensibly located in the equally fictional London borough of Walford in London's East End."


"Walford has a fictional London postal district, London E20, and a fictional tube station, Walford East, which is located on the EastEnders tube map in the position normally occupied by the real Bromley-by-Bow tube station."


"Bromley-by-Bow, historically and officially Bromley, is a place in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. It is an inner-city district situated 4.8 miles (7.8 km) east north-east of Charing Cross."


So, I would say- north- east.

Oct 07 2007, 2:34 PM
doomed star
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doomed star
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Answer has 2 votes.
Its based in the EAST END of London despite the studios being in Hertfordshire which is not London....

where anyone can get North East from beats me......

Oct 07 2007, 2:46 PM
nina300 star
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nina300 star
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Answer has 3 votes.
Just for doomed: "The East End of London, known locally as the East End, generally refers to the area of London, England, east of the medieval walled City of London and north of the River Thames..."

Pay attention to the 'north of the River Thames'. There are some parts of London south of it.


Oct 07 2007, 3:15 PM
satguru star
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satguru star
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Answer has 2 votes.
Although the West End is fairly well defined- all of London W1 basically, as SW1 is Westminster, Pimlico and Victoria and WC codes are Holborn, Bloomsbury and Clerkenwell, the East End is really from the edge of the city a couple of miles eastwards along Whitechapel and Mile End Road. It is mainly in E1 but arguably could include areas beyond. But it does not stray across the river, it is near on impossible to cross the river beyond Tower Bridge (until you reach the Rotherhithe Tunnel) and there are no areas south that qualify. So the simple answer is east, although it is of course a non existent district in Walford itself.

Oct 07 2007, 5:13 PM
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