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Who won the Austrian War of Succesion?

Question #87332. Asked by author.

boghat star
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boghat star
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"The War of the Austrian Succession (1740–1748), also known as King George's War in North America, involved almost all the major European powers, but in the end only resulted in minor exchanges of territory."

"The War of Austrian Succession concluded with the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle of 1748. Maria Theresa and Austria survived status quo ante bellum, sacrificing only the territory of Silesia, which Austria conceded to Prussia. The end of the war also sparked the beginning of German Dualism between Prussia and Austria, which would ultimately bring about German Nationalism and the drive to unify Germany as a single entity."

So basically the war lasted from December 16, 1740 – October 18, 1748 involving almost all of the major European powers and resulted in no real winners.


Oct 15 2007, 7:45 PM
lanfranco star
Answer has 3 votes
lanfranco star
20 year member
4170 replies avatar

Answer has 3 votes.
In the end, it's a bit difficult to say who "won," since not much changed -- "status quo ante bellum," as the site below indicates. Maria Theresa remained in place, having to cede only a few territories. Nothing was truly settled, as future developments demonstrated:


Oct 15 2007, 7:48 PM
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