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What would happen if you didn't have toes? My brother says you would fall over. Is this true?

Question #88975. Asked by billythebrit.

satguru star
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satguru star
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I know losing just the big toe means a complete relearning of balance as my neighbour had to after an operation. The toes regulate the angle you leave the ground when walking and also absorb it when you land. Therefore you would lose all these abilities without them. You could still walk but you'd have a lot less control over any gradients or steps so bound to fall over more.

Nov 24 2007, 9:55 AM
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That applies to bare feet and flexible soled shoes. Wearers of clogs would have less trouble walking as there is no flexing of the sole. There is a curvature of the sole (in mine and my friends' at least) that gives the necessary change of angle when walking. (I wouldn't fancy walking in totally flat soled clogs.) There would probably need to be some packing inside the clog to take up the space vacated by the missing toes.

Nov 24 2007, 12:01 PM
Arpeggionist star
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Arpeggionist star
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Witness the single hoofed animals, who manage to walk and even run at great speeds without toes - of course they're not bipedal. Possibly ducks and penguins might provide a better example to what walking would be like to people without toes.

Nov 24 2007, 6:20 PM
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