Which movie has an on-tape five minute intermission?
Question #90210. Asked by gentlegiant17.
Answer has 2 votes
Arpeggionist 21 year member
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Longer movies from the early days often had intermissions. The best known I believe are "Gone with the Wind" and "How the West was Won".
Dec 23 2007, 12:45 PM
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McGruff Moderator 25 year member
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Currently voted the best answer.
Seven Samurai (1954)
The story, at nearly three and a half hours in length (including a five-minute intermission), is never weighted down with fat, as all of the many subplots bear fruit — so unlike most Hollywood films made today. Seven Samurai became an international sensation, and the highest-grossing Japanese film of its day. http://www.altfg.com/blog/film-reviews/dvd-review-akira-kurosawas-seven-samurai/
Dec 23 2007, 2:01 PM
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serpa 17 year member
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Answer has 2 votes.
"Gone with the Wind" (1939) has a 2:30 minute overture, a 4:00 minute intermission immediately followed by a 1:30 minute entr'acte and later 4:15 minute exit music.
Source: "Gone with the Wind' DVD 2 disc set
"How the West was Won" (1962) has 2:30 minute opening music, 5:10 minute intermission and 2:45 exit music.
Source: "How the West was Won" DVD
"Lawrence of Arabia" (1963)has a 4:15 minute overture, a 4:20 minute entr'acte and 1:45 minute exit music.