Of whom did Theodore Roosevelt say, "I could carve a better man out of a banana"?
Question #91320. Asked by BaronBatty.
Last updated May 14 2021.
Answer has 13 votes
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Trooper2196 20 year member
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Answer has 13 votes.
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Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr
WASHINGTON: In July 1902, confident that he had found a judge opposed to "big railroad men and other members of large corporations," Theodore Roosevelt named Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. as his first appointee to the Supreme Court. He was delighted with a choice that their fellow Republican, Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts, called "our kind right through." Twenty months (and many convivial dinners at the White House) later, in the middle of an election year, Holmes voted against his president in the biggest railroad trust-busting case of the time, United States v. Northern Securities. "I could carve out of a banana a judge with more backbone than that," an enraged Roosevelt declared.