Because different liquids have different density, they don't all weigh the same. You must specify what liquid.
Dec 28 2000, 9:00 PM
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How much does one gallon of water weigh?
Dec 28 2000, 10:07 PM
Answer has 2 votes
JReid 25 year member
155 replies
Answer has 2 votes.
A cubic foot of water weighs 62.4 lbs. There are 28.317 liters in a cubic foot, and 3.8 liters in a gallon. A liter of water therefore weighs 2.2 lbs. A gallon of water (at 4 degrees centigrade - the temperature at which water is the heaviest) would weigh out at 8.37 pounds.
Dec 29 2000, 3:09 PM
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Moleman 19 year member
317 replies
Answer has 2 votes.
A UK gallon (larger than an American gallon) of pure water weighs 10.022 pounds. A (UK) gallon of sea water weights 10.3 pounds