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Two 1950's films, "The Wild One" and "Cyrano de Bergerac" have in their credits "filmed with Garutso balanced lenses". Just what kind of lenses are they?

Question #92315. Asked by tjoebigham.

maninmidohio star
Answer has 3 votes
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maninmidohio star
17 year member
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Answer has 3 votes.

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In 1953 Garutso was granted US patent 5212589 on a new lens system.

The abstract reads, "A lens system having discrete variations of focal length at discrete distances of radius outward from the optic axis for focussing light of plural wavelengths. The lens system which directs a laser beam onto a target for ablation or exposure applications includes one set of lens elements to handle short wavelength light used for ablation or exposure applications, and another set of lens elements to handle long wavelength light used for alignment applications. The lens system which provides for the ablation or exposure functions at short wavelength and for through-the-lens alignment at a longer wavelength and higher numerical aperture consists of three elements. Two outer lens elements are made entirely of fused quartz. An inner element disposed between the two outer lens is composed of any material such as optical glass. The inner lens element has a hole ground through its center."

In use the lenses give the allusion of three dimensionality.


Apache Chief was another movie that was filmed with these lens.


Feb 13 2008, 2:59 PM
Answer has 1 vote

Answer has 1 vote.
gave the illusion of a three demensional effect

Feb 13 2008, 3:16 PM
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