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What are the colored belts in taekwondo and their meanings?

Question #92950. Asked by tkdkid.
Last updated Apr 18 2017.

Answer has 2 votes
23 year member
2834 replies

Answer has 2 votes.
Here is a list with the significance of the colours.


Response last updated by CmdrK on Apr 18 2017.
Feb 28 2008, 7:04 PM
--simone-- star
Answer has 2 votes
--simone-- star
18 year member
104 replies avatar

Answer has 2 votes.
"Each belt has a symbolic meaning that compares the student's growth in Taekwondo to the growth of a pine tree:

White belt - "Pure and without the knowledge of Songahm Taekwondo. As with the Pine Tree, the seed must now be planted and nourished to develop strong roots."
Orange belt - "The sun is beginning to rise. As with the morning's dawn, only the beauty of the sunrise is seen rather than the immense power."
Yellow belt - "The seed is beginning to see the sunlight."
Camouflage belt - "The sapling is hidden amongst the taller pines and must now fight it's way upwards."
Green belt - "The pine tree is beginning to develop and grow in strength."
Purple belt - "Coming to the mountain. The tree is in mid-growth and now the path becomes steep."
Blue belt - "The tree reaches for the sky towards new heights."
Brown belt - "The tree is firmly rooted in the earth"
Red belt - "The sun is setting. The first phase of growth has been accomplished."
1st Degree Black Belt Recommended (half red and half black in appearance) - "The dawn of a new day. The sun breaks through the darkness."
1st Degree Black Belt - "The tree has reached maturity and has overcome the darkness. Now plant seeds for the future."
2nd Degree Black Belt - "With your noble character, you will develop a new permanence in life."
3rd degree Black Belt - "Peace of mind and tranquility."
4th Degree Black Belt - "You will live comfortably and in peace."


Feb 28 2008, 7:09 PM
queenofquizzes star
Answer has 2 votes
queenofquizzes star avatar

Answer has 2 votes.
It depends which style you are doing. I do TAGB Taekwondo.
Here are what TAGB belts are and what they mean.

Jan 25 2014, 1:29 PM
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