What do the first seven gifts of the 'Twelve Days of Christmas' have in common --- "They're all birds." How are "five golden rings" considered birds?
Question #9337. Asked by Julie.
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l3i7l 23 year member
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The 5 Gold RING-NECKED PHEASANTs are the birds referred to. 5 Golden Rings symbolize the first Five Books of the Old Testament or The Catholic Church's five obligatory sacraments: baptism, communion, confirmation, penance and last rites.
Jan 05 2001, 2:38 AM
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According to the website http://hubpages.com/hub/On_the_Fifth_Day_of_Christmas, the five rings were indeed a reference to ring-necked pheasants, not because of a Biblical reference, but because the word "ring" had many meanings, including this shortened form of ring-necked pheasants.