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What is the stickiest naturally occurring substance, and how is stickiness measured?

Question #93694. Asked by crazycube.
Last updated Sep 16 2016.

Answer has 11 votes
Currently Best Answer
17 year member
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Answer has 11 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
Bacteria found on the inside of water pipes secrete the strongest glue discovered in nature.
Researchers found that the bacteria Caulobacter crescentus is a harmless bacterium that lives in rivers, streams and water pipes. It attaches itself to surfaces with a long, slender stalk tipped with chains of sugar molecules that are three times as strong as commercial 'superglue' products. It can withstand a force equivalent to five tons per square inch.

The adhesive would (theoretically) make an excellent waterproof, biodegradable glue to replace sutures and staples in surgery. One of the main challenges will be to find a way to manufacture the glue without it sticking to everything that is used to produce it!

The findings appear in the April 11 issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. Brun co-authored the research with Jay Tang, a former IU physicist who now works at Brown University.

(no comment yet on how it is measured)

The tiny water bacterium Caulobacter crescentus secretes a sugary substance so sticky that just a tiny bit could withstand the pull from lifting several cars at once. With an adhesive force of nearly five tons per square inch, this "glue" is one of nature's strongest.


Response last updated by Terry on Sep 16 2016.
Mar 20 2008, 3:45 AM
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