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Which is heavier, the average train or Stonehenge?

Question #93893. Asked by BlondeRJ.
Last updated Feb 16 2017.

Answer has 4 votes
18 year member
286 replies

Answer has 4 votes.
Well each stone in Stonehenge is 44 tons.

The average freight train is 8000 tons.

Response last updated by Terry on Sep 07 2016.
Mar 24 2008, 8:16 PM
star_gazer star
Answer has 3 votes
star_gazer star
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Answer has 3 votes.
44 divided into 8000 is about 182 and there are certainly less than 182 stones in Stonehenge so the average train is heavier.


Mar 24 2008, 9:56 PM
triviapaul star
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triviapaul star
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Answer has 4 votes.
Depends where you are looking and how you define average.
In the Netherlands, passenger trains are more common than freight trains and these





are average trains. Weighs vary from 86 t to 352 t.
What I would consider an average dutch train is 200 t, comfortably less than stonehenge.
I am sure an average train in Australia looks very different.


Mar 25 2008, 2:37 AM
Answer has 3 votes
22 year member
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Answer has 3 votes.
I can't find the total weight of the Stonehenge stones, but it is not a simple matter of multiplying .
There are stones of various sizes, and only the big 'sarsen' stones have weights around 30 tons.

Mar 25 2008, 2:40 AM
zbeckabee star
Answer has 5 votes
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zbeckabee star
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Answer has 5 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
Hopefully, the following will provide enough additional information for everyone to do the calculations according to their own specifications in order to come up with "their own" ideal solution.

The average weight of a freight locomotive is 146 tons.
The average weight of a passenger locomotive, 134 tons.
The average weight of a switching locomotive 91 tons.
The average electric locomotive on Class I railroads weighed 156 tons.

(All weights approximate to 1940).

The average freight train consisting of 100 cars -- weighs in at anywhere from 12 million to 20 million pounds.

t is said that the stones at Stonehenge weigh in somewhere between 30 tons to 50 tons each.

The giant sarsen stones (which form the outer circle), weigh as much as 50 tons each.



Response last updated by CmdrK on Feb 16 2017.
Mar 25 2008, 2:38 PM
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