Is there any significance to a domed roof or a flat roof on the monuments in Washington, D.C.?
Question #94091. Asked by cookieman.
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rxbigdawg 18 year member
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I don't think there is a particular significance to the 'flat' roof of the Lincoln Memorial. The memorial was finished in 1922 and done in a greek doric temple style. The artist did not make known any special reason for choosing this particular style.
The Jefferson Memorial is domed in a Ionic style. It was built to resemble the Roman Parthenon. It is speculated that the builder John Russel Pope modled it after a building Jefferson designed himself for the University of Virginia.
The US Capitol building was designed by William Thornton. The design was based on the east face of the Louvre and the Pantheon. This designed won a contract from President Washington in 1793.