Strangely enough, the German Wiki page does not mention the Düsseldorf firm which allededly invented the transistor radio in 1952.
This page, though, mentions the firm and the fair in 1953 which supposedly presented the first transistor radio.
In 1952, with solid funding from a wealthy German businessman, Jakob Michael, Mataré moved to Düsseldorf, Germany, and founded a company called Intermetall. It began manufacturing germanium rectifiers and transistors similar to the point-contact devices he had made in Paris. The company bought or built equipment that helped it produce semiconductor devices of even higher quality.
The summit of Intermetall's achievements came at the 1953 Düsseldorf Radio Fair. There a young, dark-haired woman demonstrated what was probably the world's first transistor radio, built around four Intermetall point-contact transistors.