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Are there any other words like sequoia that contain all five vowels and they only occur once?

Question #94676. Asked by Matthew_07.
Last updated Jun 15 2021.

star_gazer star
Answer has 3 votes
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Answer has 3 votes.
The shortest word containing all five vowels exactly once is the six-letter EUNOIA, meaning alertness of mind an will (and also the title of a book by Canadian poet Christian Bok). However, it is not included in any major English dictionary. There are several seven-letter words containing all the vowels, including SEQUOIA, EULOGIA, MIAOUED, ADOULIE, EUCOSIA, EUNOMIA, EUTOPIA, MOINEAU, and DOULEIA. The relatively common French word OISEAU (meaning bird) contains all five vowels, once each.
The shortest word with the five vowels occurring in alphabetical order is AERIOUS (airy), which has seven letters. The longest such word is PHRAGELLIORHYNCHUS (a protozoan) with 18 letters. There are two seven-letter words in Portuguese that contain the five vowels in alphabetical order: ACEITOU and ALEIJOU.


Response last updated by satguru on Jun 15 2021.
Apr 15 2008, 10:53 PM
zbeckabee star
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zbeckabee star
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Answer has 4 votes.

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Words which contain all five vowels in alphabetical order: facetious, abstemious, annelidous, arsenious. (You can append ‘-ly’ to each if you wish. The word ‘arterious’ doesn’t occur in The Hypertext Webster Gateway.)

Shortest words with every vowel in alphabetical order: Aerious (7) (means “airy") & Caesious (8) (means “light blue")

Words which contain all five vowels in reverse alphabetical order: duoliteral, subcontinental, uncomplimentary. ‘Suoidea’ (the taxonomic group to which pigs belong) is the shortest word with the vowels in reverse alphabetical order


Response last updated by gtho4 on Jun 15 2021.
Apr 15 2008, 11:16 PM
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