What is the difference between "daylight" and "broad daylight"?
Question #94881. Asked by sequoianoir.
Last updated Mar 17 2017.
Answer has 3 votes
Currently Best Answer
Answer has 3 votes.
Currently voted the best answer.
The American Heritage Dictionary's fourth adjective usage of "broad" is "full; open". Whilst "daylight" (sunlight) is a versatile noun, when preceded by "broad" you can wager it's preceded by "in broad"; "broad daylight" references location. If an event is set in broad daylight, it occurs visibly and under the direct light of the sun, rather than among the shadows or indoors. Oftentimes, the event is observed: "murder in broad daylight". An absence of secrecy is implied.
education.yahoo.com/reference/dictionary/entry/broad no longer exists
Response last updated by gtho4 on Mar 17 2017.
Apr 20 2008, 5:00 PM