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Sindhi (Arbi) contains how many alphabets?

Question #96234. Asked by armindasantana.
Last updated Feb 15 2017.

BRY2K star
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BRY2K star
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Answer has 4 votes.

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Fifty two alphabets.

The present script predominantly used in Sindh as well as in many states in India and elsewhere where migrant Sindhis have settled, is Arabic in Naskh styles having fifty two alphabets. However, in some circles in India, Devanagari is used for writing Sindhi. The Government of India recognizes both scripts.

The alphabet of Sindhi is a super set of Arabic, Persian and Urdu languages, and contains 52 basic characters.

Even 300 years after the Arab conquest, at the time of Mahmud Ghazni, Al-Biruni, historian, found three scripts current --- Ardhanagari, Saindhu and Malwari, all variations of Devnagri.

When the British arrived, they found the Pandits writing Sindhi in Devnagri. Traders --- including Khojas and Memons --- were using a variety of "Modi" or "Vanika" scripts, without any vowels. Hindu women were using Gurmukhi and government employees, some kind of Arabic script.

British scholars found the language Sanskritic and said that the Devnagri script would be right for it. In 1849 they produced an English-Sindhi dictionary in Devnagri. A year later they translated the Bible in Sindhi, again in the Devnagri script. Government servants, many of whom were Hindus, favoured the Arabic script, since they did not know Devnagri, and had to learn it anew.


Jun 01 2008, 11:18 AM
Baloo55th star
Answer has 3 votes
Baloo55th star
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Answer has 3 votes.
It would seem Sindhi has 52 *letters*, not alphabets. There were formerly eight alphabets used for writing Sindhi, but currently there are two. These are a modified Arabic script and a modified Devanagari script. (Arabic is the wiggly one, whereas Devanagari hangs on a washing line.) An alphabet is a set of letters that together represent (or add to make up) the sounds of a language. A language with 52 alphabets would be rather difficult for its readers, and one feels that publishers and printers would get something done about it.

Response last updated by MrNobody97 on Feb 15 2017.
Jun 01 2008, 12:48 PM
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