Question #96342. Asked by nibbles0011.
Last updated Jul 02 2021.
Answer has 3 votes
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BRY2K 17 year member
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Answer has 3 votes.
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I would submit the answer "Amadeus".
The story of Amadeus becomes poetry and myth when one learns it is far from the official biography of Mozart. For in fact Salieri first became Mozart's lethal enemy in a poem by Pushkin, written 40 years after the great composer's death.
Robbins clarifies many historical inaccuracies regarding both Mozart and Salieri in the film, but proposes that playwright Shaffer and screenwriter Milos Forman have made the story a "myth better than history," a masterpiece of drama which reveals deep truths about the human condition. The film confronts the viewer with the sheer givenness of human inequality, the pride that gives way to envy, and the sometimes relentless character of efforts that may be finally deemed mediocre.
It is the mysterious story of Cain and Abel: one loved by God, the other for whom God had, inexplicably, "no regard."
Response last updated by satguru on Jul 02 2021.
Jun 04 2008, 10:29 AM
Answer has 2 votes
Baloo55th 22 year member
4545 replies
Answer has 2 votes.
Cain's eldest son was Enoch. I don't think any children are mentioned for Abel, so it might be Film = (Son of Cain) + Abel rather than Film = Son of (Cain + Abel) or Film = (Son of Cain) + (Son of Abel). Sorry to get mathematical...
Jun 04 2008, 1:10 PM
Answer has 3 votes
elburcher 25 year member
1578 replies
Answer has 3 votes.
I would agree "East Of Eden"
The book explores themes of depravity, beneficence, love, and the struggle for acceptance, greatness, and the capacity for self-destruction and especially of guilt and freedom. It ties these themes together with references to and many parallels with the biblical Book of Genesis (especially Genesis Chapter 4, the story of Cain and Abel).