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To date, which Iron Chef America has faught and won the most American battles?

Question #96464. Asked by dac1964.

zbeckabee star
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zbeckabee star
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Answer has 4 votes.

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Bobby Flay, who specializes in Southwestern, has 19 wins, 8 losses, 2 ties -- For a total of 29, leaving him with a 69 percent win rate.

Mario Batali (Italian specialty) -- 19 wins, 4 losses, 0 ties, 23 total and 82.6 percent win rate.

Iron Chef America recognizes the Iron Chefs from the original Iron Chef, though Morimoto is erroneously credited as having 66 victories in the original Kitchen Stadium as a result of a typo (he was, in reality, 16-9-1, with one victory coming in overtime). However, Iron Chef America does not appear to include Iron Chef USA in its history: when Iron Chef American Todd English appeared on Iron Chef America as a challenger, his record from Iron Chef USA was not reported and no references to him being an Iron Chef were made.

Iron Chef America recognizes the Iron Chefs from the original Iron Chef, though Morimoto is erroneously credited as having 66 victories in the original Kitchen Stadium as a result of a typo (he was, in reality, 16-9-1, with one victory coming in overtime). However, Iron Chef America does not appear to include Iron Chef USA in its history: when Iron Chef American Todd English appeared on Iron Chef America as a challenger, his record from Iron Chef USA was not reported and no references to him being an Iron Chef were made.


Jun 09 2008, 4:45 AM
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