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In preseason during his rookie season, what number did O.J. Simpson wear?

Question #9670. Asked by TheJay.
Last updated Sep 24 2021.

Answer has 6 votes
Currently Best Answer

Answer has 6 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
OJ Simpson wore the number 36 for some preseason games in 1969, his rookie season.
The only thing I am not positive of is when OJ got 32 from McDermott. OJ was definitely 36 in preseason but I am pretty sure that he was 32 his entire rookie season, and if not, it was only the first couple games. Another link I found said McDermott carried the ball for Atlanta in 1969 but never for the Bills, which again leads me to believe he was cut before the regular season started. I know OJ was on the cover of SI wearing 36 but that was for a preseason game.. no longer exists

OJ Simpson wore 36 in the preseason of his rookie year (69) until the poor guy who had 32 was cut before the regular season started. OJ then took 32 in time for the regular season. OJ was featured on the cover of SI in August 69 wearing the 36 jersey.

I had an OJ Simpson paperback book in the mid 1970s that had OJ wearing #36 in the preseason action photos – the book said he wore #36 for that one game because his #32 jersey was stolen from the locker room ….

Not true. Simpson wore #36 because #32 was wore by veteran Bob Cappadonna.
When Cappadonna was released, Simpson claimed the number. You could look it up.

Ooops, oops, ooops… Cappadona’s involved but not the way I’m recalling. On second thought, Simpson got Cappadona’s number 36 because Cappadona had been let go after ’68. THAT’s his connection.

There was another player named McDermott (or something like that) who had #32 in’68, and when HE was released after camp in ’69 Simpson got the number.

Response last updated by gtho4 on Sep 24 2021.
Jan 19 2001, 3:16 AM
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